Take a walk on the South Side...

SOSNA: The South of South Neighborhood Association
1711 South Street, Philadelphia PA 19146 (215) 732-8446 phone (215) 732-2016 (fax)
sosna@southofsouth.org -- Serving Southwest Center City

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From: Brian.Forschner@phila.gov [mailto:Brian.Forschner@phila.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 5:15 PM
To: david.hanly@dmjmharris.com
Subject: data for SOSNA's plan


Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. As we discussed during
our June 7 phone conversation, I have provided in this email a draft list
of data that the Planning Commission (PCPC), with help from other agencies,
will make available for each NTI planning area. Consider this an expansion
upon the list of data that I sent to you earlier. Much of this information
is standard for the existing conditions/needs assessment component of any
neighborhood plan. The list is subject to minor changes; i.e. some
categories may be added or deleted. Because this must be done for nearly
thirty planning areas, it will take a while (a few months, perhaps) to
produce some of this information, particularly the mapping components. If
some components are needed sooner, however, I could help to speed up the
process. Feel free to look through the list and let me know at some point
whether this data will be helpful to you. I can then give you a more
specific timeline for providing the information.

It is assumed and recommended that community groups and residents will have
a chance during the planning process to verify the data that we produce.
As always, please call with any questions.

Demographics (using boundaries at the Block Group Level)

Total population for 1990 and 2000
Racial composition, as percentages, 1990 and 2000, compared to P.A.S. (Planning Analysis Section, in this case South Philadelphia) and City
Median age, % youth (under 20 or under 18), % elderly (over 64) compared to
P.A.S. and City
% of households with elderly
Median Family Income, 1990 and 2000, compared to P.A.S. and City
% families in poverty, 1990 and 2000, compared to P.A.S. and City
% Unemployed, 1990 and 2000, compared to P.A.S. and City
Total housing units, 1990 and 2000
Homeownership rate, 1990 and 2000, compared to P.A.S. and City
Average household size, compared to P.A.S. and City
Educational Attainment, compared to P.A.S. and City (% completed high
school, % completed college)
% of families owning a car, compared to P.A.S. and City
% of families owning two cars, compared to P.A.S. and City

Capital Program Report
List of projects and cost during the past 5 years, and during the 6-year Program, within the planning area

Display Maps
Dangerous Buildings
Vacancy: vacant buildings and vacant lots
Land Use and Major Features
Historically and architecturally significant buildings
Community Facilities ? Schools, Libraries, Parks, Rec Centers, Health Centers
Capital Program projects
Churches (based on data from MOCS - Mayor's Office of Community Services)
Social Service Locations (based on data from MOCS)
Transit routes and facilities
Environmentally sensitive sites (brownfields, prior noxious uses, etc.)

Analysis maps
Application of standards for a good neighborhood (e.g. a good neighborhood should have a maximum distance of 1/2 mile to neighborhood parks)
Housing Sale Prices and Number of Sales at two points in time (1991 and 2001, for example)
Homeownership map with block groups color-coded according to percentage ranges

City-wide maps
Map of NTI Planning Areas city-wide
Map of Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Zones
Map of K.O.Z.'s (Keystone Opportunity Zones)
Map of Renewal Communities (a new federal business incentive program)
Map of PCDC (Phila. Commercial Development Corporation)-funded commercial

Zoning and Development Data
Zoning report
Environmental report including brownfields

Historical Commission Data
List of certified properties
Report on significant properties

Data provided by MOCS
Churches, Community Centers, Beacon Schools, Family Centers, After School Programs, Community groups, social service providers, etc.

Where surveys are performed by the Planning Commission or MOCS, survey results including summary statistics will be provided

Brian Forschner
South Philadelphia Community Planner


SOSNA is the Neighborhood Advisory Committee for the area from South Street to Washington Avenue, Broad Street West to the Schuylkill River, funded by the Office of Housing and Community Development to provide citizen input into their redevelopment process in our community. SOSNA is a registered nonprofit corporation exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Site contents copyright SOSNA except where indicated.