Audio Tours

Browse the maps, and click to listen to or download audio clips for many locations.

A Philadelphia Civil War Sampler
Twelve tour stops tell the stories of sites near the Independence Mall location of the July 2009 festival, as well as the stories of libraries, museums and historic sites who helped to interpret Lincoln's life and Civil War Philadelphia.

John Brown's Philadelphia (
John Brown had deep and rich connections to Philadelphia's anti-slavery community. Explore these connections with the stops on this tour.


To learn about more Civil War-related sites in Philadelphia and its countryside, see the "About" section of this site.

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This project has been generously supported by the Honorable Larry Farnese, PA Senator, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the Department of Community and Economic Development, and the Samuel S. Fels Fund.

Site contents copyright © 2004-2009 Civil War History Consortium except as indicated herein.