A Philadelphia Civil War Sampler . Explore sites near Independence Hall and the Constitution Center, as well as sites of Civil War History Consortium partners who participated in the Lincoln Bicentennial celebration in Philadelphia. Listen to brief audio presentations or save them to your hard drive to listen later.

Although the map no longer functions, you can download the raw audio files here.




STOP 1 Independence Hall / Independence Visitor Center, 5th and Chestnut St / 6th and Market St, 800-537-7676

STOP 2 Union League of Philadelphia, 140 S. Broad St.
STOP 3 Academy of Natural Sciences, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy,215-299-1000
STOP 4 College of Physicians of Philadelphia / Mütter Museum, 19 S 22 St, 215-563-3737
STOP 5 Wagner Free Institute of Science, 1700 Montgomery Ave.
STOP 6 Rosenbach Museum & Library, 2008-2010 DeLancey Pl, 215-732-1600
STOP 7 African-American Museum in Philadelphia, 701 Arch Street, 215-574-0380
STOP 8 Christ Church, 2nd Street above Market, 215-922-1695
STOP 9 Atwater-Kent Museum, 15 South 7th St, 215-925-4829
STOP 10 The Squares of Philadelphia, Washington Square, Walnut/Locust Sts between 6th and 7th
STOP 11 Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Museum & Library, 4278 Griscom St, 215-289-6484
STOP 12 General Meade Society at the Lincoln 200 Festival


This project has been generously supported by the Honorable Larry Farnese, PA Senator, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the Department of Community and Economic Development, and the Samuel S. Fels Fund.

Site contents copyright © 2004-2009 Civil War History Consortium except as indicated herein.