Michelle Cutner Garden
2001 Catharine Street, Philadelphia

The garden is no more.Construction began on a luxury townhome August
2004. It's now on the market for $595,000. |
may have read about Michelle Cutner in the papers if you were a Philadelphia-area
resident in the mid-1990s; or you may have read her story in Buzz Bissinger's
book, A Prayer for the City. On June 29, 1994, the six-year-old
girl was killed by a stray bullet in front of a variety store at 20th
and Carpenter Streets. After her death, her teacher and her classmates
began a garden in this vacant lot across the street from the Chester A.
Arthur Elementary School.
the effort had been abandoned by the time we moved into the neighborhood
in 1996. Although groups of neighbors periodically cleaned the lot of
trash and weeds, they eventually became discouraged. By the summer of
2000 the lot was not only an eyesore but also a health hazard, attracting
flies, rats, and mosquitos.
have a garden plot in the nearby community garden and one day I remarked
to the garden's leader that I wondered who had a key to the gate for that
lot -- I'd like to help clean it up. She smiled and removed a key from
her ring, and I found myself with a project.
is a view of the "garden" in July 2000. We don't have any true
"before" photos -- when we started, the vegetation crowded right
up against the gate. It took an hour of pushing, sawing, and pushing some
more to open the gate, including sawing off a 20-foot mulberry tree at
ground level to allow the gate to open fully. But before the tree could
be cut I had to remove a dead cat and spread plastic bags on the ground
-- to sever the 4" stump at ground level it was necessary to lie
particular shot shows the lot after two weekends' work on it. As quickly
as we would remove trash and vegetation more food wrappers would be thrown
over the fence.
down vegetation revealed a discouraging underlayer of construction waste,
cans, bottles, soggy disposable diapers, and the bodies of several more
small dead animals.
times, it seemed that as fast as we removed a layer of trash another one
sprang up in its place.
the trees and trash shown here were removed, we found the remains of a small
triangular garden bed. A few brave bearded iris, the common blue flag, struggled
to survive under the shade of mulberries and ailanthus. They bloomed riotously
in spring 2001. |
I had originally hoped that neighbors would join in on the reclamation
efforts, no adult on the block has volunteered to help. However, the children
have been enthusiastic if messy helpers, and several people from neighboring
blocks came and worked on the lot as they could. Despite being not yet
fully recovered from a broken hip, Ms. Florence Embry, organizer of our
community garden, was a frequent collaborator. Ms. Marian Jones, block
captain of the 1900 block of Montrose Street, also joined in the effort,
as did our neighbors Peter and Virginia Moor of the 2000 block of Christian
Street. [Update -- in July 2001 one of the adults on the block has taken
responsibility for clearing sidewalks and gutters around the lot.]
is a view of the lot after the second or third weekend of work. We were
clearing from the front to the back. We stored our trash inside the lot,
because keeping trash outside the lot would encourage more of the short-dumping
shown below.
view outside the lot was equally discouraging. Here Roy Blanchard surveys
the collection of objects we'd removed to give us room to work, along with
a pile of short-dumped trash at the far end of the walkway.Behind the lot
is an alleyway that gives access to the backs of the houses on Catharine
Street and St. Albans Street, making it an especailly attractive target
for neighboring short-dumpers. |
view of the trash from the other side. This was once a brick walkway but
most of the bricks are long-gone. The school crossing guard who stands on
the other corner asked the principal to petition City Council to pour a
new sidewalk. I may get together a formal petition this summer and ask the
neighbors to sign it. |
few survivors of the lot's earlier life as a garden space began to emerge.
Here, one of the two remaining chrysanthemums blooms along the cyclone
fence, with iris leaves in the foreground. It gave us some satisfaction
to clear the thistles and bindweed away from these two ornamentals.
these two plants, plus a second chrysanthemum toward the back of the lot
and the iris in the triangular bed, led us to consider dividing the large
clumps once the lot was cleared.
more Mr. Nice Guy! The lot, mid-September. Our neighbors Peter and
Virginia went through the lot with a pair of machetes and determination
one weekend and leveled the vegetation. Toward the right, if you look
hard, you can see the chrysanthemum blooming; further back is the second
chrysanthemum, which bloomed somewhat later with flowers the color of
butterscotch pudding.
the vegetation was one thing, cleaning it up was another. We removed the
largest objects and arranged for a bulk pickup. We separated out the compostable
weeds from the tree branches, bundling the latter into manageable bunches
tied with twine for curbside pickup. Over the course of the winter we
picked up the trash perhaps once every two weeks to keep it from becoming
a short-dumping site again, but we deferred the real cleanup until spring
2001. But we took some time to restore the triangular bed and planted
it with daylilies and sedums donated by the community garden, a few stray
impatiens plants, some divisions from the two chrysanthemums, and an assortment
of spring-flowering bulbs. Interestingly, we found that the amount of
trash thrown over the fence dropped off sharply once we planted a few
2001. With the help of the neighborhood children, we have completed the
clearing of the lot, dug a border along the long side, facing the sidewalk,
and planted a variety of donated plants or things I have started from seed
-- with a few purchased begonias to provide some instant gratification.
We're expecting sunflowers to sprout any day. In the meantime, we continue
to battle bindweed and thistles. We have one unsightly pile of weeds that
will eventually become compost and are considering building a small fenced
area to hide it as well as our trash cans and bags. |
the sidewalk cleared of trash and the weeds trimmed, the area is attracting
less short-dumping. Some of the residents of nearby St. Albans Street
still bring bundled trash to the far corner, but the quantity appears
to be diminishing.
missing bricks and paving constitute a hazard of another kind. Pedestrians
wishing to reach the Chester A. Arthur School from the north must detour
around the puddles or walk in the middle of the street. In windy weather
after a rain, trash blows into the puddles and becomes soggy and difficult
to collect.
the assistance of the school crossing guard, we have collected well over
200 signatures of area residents, parents of Chester Arthur schoolchildren,
and faculty/staff at the school. We will be petitioning City Council to
pour new concrete sidewalk along this lot.
nothing is blooming in the small triangular bed at the moment except a
few pansies, this view of a portion of the lot, with the community garden
shown in the background, offers a glimpse of what a pleasant corner this
has the potential to be. Our youngsters deserve to have clean, well-maintained
properties and lots around their schools. How else will they learn the
value of achievement? We are encouraged by the fact that the neighbors
are no longer calling this space the lot, but instead are calling
it the garden.