Villanova Volunteers Cleanup -- January 26, 2002
The "Sunshine Project" volunteers from Villanova University worked on streets, alleys, and vacant lots along the South 20th Street corridor, Fitzwater to Carpenter Streets. Tools and supplies were donated by the South Philadelphia Block Association, Inc., and State Representative Harold James' office via the 30th Ward leadership, especially ward leader Terry Gillen. Local block captains Laura Blanchard and Marion Jones provided morning refreshments and the Villanova program provided lunch. This is this group's third visit to our area, where they looked on with great respect for their energy and their positive attitude. Several area residents said they would participate in the next cleanup, scheduled for March 23.

In partnership with the Watson family, one crew cleaned the 700 block of South 20 Street (including two lots) and the 2000 block of Catharine Street, plus removing a huge pile of debris from the Fulton Stret alley.

Another crew worked on the large lot on the 1900 block of Webster Street but (as the photo shows) really need a chain saw to tackle the fallen trees. Next time!

Finally, two men and a sledge hammer helped Marian Jones reduce a nasty heap of drywall to little pieces that could be bagged and hauled away.

Thanks, as always! You did a great job.


2000 Christian Street Block Association | Northwest South Philly
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