Villanova Volunteers at
South 20th Street Cleanup

(Because I worked with the crew that went north of Christian Street, I have more pictures of them than of the southern crew, who deserve better representation on this page than they got.)

South Lot before
The lot at 20th & Carpenter -- the city had cut weeds, but it still needed cleaning

North Lot before

Vacant lot, 765-67 South 20th Street, before cleaning. We expected a city crew to come cut the weeds, but it never arrived.

Noarth lot 9/27

Same lot, September 27. After the volunteers began the cleanup, the neighbor at 769 South 20th began work on the lot with a sickle and a rake. The September 22 cleanup was obviously an inspiration to this neighbor.

South lot after
Lot, 20th and Carpenter. Community resident and "30th Ward is on the Move" cleanup organizer Donna Bond (right) watches Villanova volunteers in action.

North crew
North crew poses for the press (The Philadelphia Observer). Photo by Jimmy Tayoun.

Community garden
Community garden, 20th and Catharine Streets.

Fulton Street
Fulton Street looking toward 20th. The white spot among the weeds is a Villanova volunteer. Other volunteers are barely visible at the end of the "tunnel" (inset).

Fulto Street after

Fulton Street looking toward 21st. Mr. Watson had cleaned about three house-widths down; the volunteer crew extended this several house-widths and also rough-cut weeds further down.

Lunch 1
Lunch time. Volunteers enjoy a well-deserved rest after a job well done.

Lunch 2

Villanova volunteers after lunch.


The Watson family, residents of South 20th Street and participants in the cleanup, pose with their new best friends.

The September 22, 2001 cleanup focused on 20th Street from Fitzwater to Mifflin Streets. It was organized by the South Philadelphia Block Association in partnership with Universal Communities, the Philadelphia More Beautiful program, and the City of Philadelphia Managing Directors' Office. Additional assistance was provided by St. Charles Borromeo Church and the Courts of Calanthe. Volunteers came from the "30th Ward is on the Move" initiative organized by Democratic Party Ward Leader Terry Gillen and Donna Bond, Villanova University, SELF, Inc., and the City of Philadelphia early release program.

2000 Christian Street Block Association | Northwest South Philly

Page maintained by Laura Blanchard (