SOSNA Strategic Planning Committee
Meeting Notes

Meeting Date: Monday, April 29, 2002, 7:30pm

Meeting attendees:

  • A. Mandel, co-chair
  • L. Blanchard
  • J. Marshall
  • D. Hanly
  • G. Spahn
  • T. Lee, co-chair
  • B. Pearson
  • J. Campbell
  • J. Frisby
  • H. Dasa
  • M. Gaines
  • W. Rahman
  • S.Porter
  • S. Perez Gillespie
  • D. Smith
  • A. Islam


    1. A. Mandel explained that the SOSNA Strategic Planning Committee had mailed cover letters with "Organizational Survey for 5 Year Strategic Plan" forms to 25 organizations in the neighborhood during the month of April. The forms asked for information about the organization and whether the organization would be interested in working with the Strategic Planning Committee. Organizations that responded and expressed an interest were invited to send representatives to the April 29 meeting. Several individuals had also previously expressed an interest in the in the strategic planning process and these individuals were also invited to attend.
    2. A. Mandel gave a brief overview of the SOSNA’s 1995 Strategic Plan, highlighting goals of the plan that have been reached: Royal Theater redevelopment begun, South St. West.Business District’s streetscape improvements, affordable housing, job training, etc.
    3. R. Hanikah, Exec. Director, Frankford Group Ministries, was scheduled to attend and describe the Frankford Plan’s development. He was unable to attend. A. Mandel relayed R. Hanikah’s advice that the planning process is as important as the plan itself so that the community is invested in the plan and evolves the plan.
    4. J. Frisby, President, South St. West Business Association, expressed concern that the SOSNA planning not duplicate the work of the business association. She stated that the business association has a planning committee. Several attendees noted that the neighborhood residents have an interest in the business district and that the planning process should include all aspects of the community.
    5. A. Mandel explained that one of the tasks accomplished by the Strategic Planning Committee was to obtain examples of neighborhood plans and to read and summarize them. D. Hanly briefly highlighted major points of two plans: "At Home: A Strategic Plan for the Seventh Street Neighborhood" and "Neighborhood Strategic Plan for Saunders Park / West Powelton." A. Mandel briefly highlighted major points of "New Kensington CDC Strategic Plan" (see attachments.)
    6. A general question was addressed to those who had received the "Organizational Survey for 5 Year Strategic Plan." (see attachment.) What changes should be made?
    1. A general question was addressed to the group asking for suggestions on the "Draft SOSNA Planning Tool" (see attachment.) What changes should be made?
    1. The attendees accepted the offer of B.Pearson to facilitate a "Focus Group" of South Philadelphia Block Captains in the SOSNA service district. The goal is to receive suggestions from local community leaders for use in the strategic plan. W.Rahman agreed hold a preliminary meeting with B.Pearson and to make the necessary arrangements with the Block Captains and to provide a room for the meeting.
    2. B.Pearson suggested that it would be advantageous to receive "briefing" type information (such as the survey forms and summaries of strategic plans) prior to the meetings.
    3. A.Islam suggested that the sub-committees should have a clearly-defined objective and that this should be in the form of a mission statement.
    4. L.Blanchard volunteered to set up an e-mail address system and an information-sharing space for the Strategic Planning Committee on the website
    5. The discussion proceeded to the need to form sub-committees under the SOSNA Strategic Planning Committee.

Pedestrian Scale Lighting

  • B.Pearson
  • J.Campbell
  • J.Frisby

Development Priorities

  • J.Marshall
  • A.Mandel
  • T.Lee
  • H.Dasa
  • D.Hanly

Traffic & Parking

  • B.Pearson
  • J.Campbell
Shopping & Services

Parks, Gardens & Open Space

  • L.Blanchard
  • W.Rahman

Zoning & Land Use

  • G.Spahn
  • L.Blanchard
  • A.Mandel
  • T.Lee
  • W.Rahman

Culture & The Arts

  • S.Perez Gillespie

Police & Safety

  • J.Marshall
  • M.Gaines
  • B.Pearson
  • S.Porter

Educational & Recreational Resources

  • A.Islam
  • D.Hanly
  • S.Perez Gillespie

Architectural & Historical Assets

  • L.Blanchard
  • A.Mandel
  • T.Lee
  • J. Campbell


The meeting adjourned at approximately 9pm

Meeting minutes prepared by David Hanly