Audience Research

In spring 2005 the Civil War History Consortium retained The Melior Group to conduct a three-phase study of the awareness of and demand for programming on Greater Philadelphia's involvement with the Civil War.

  • Part One: Interviews with partners, potential partners and other stakeholders
  • Part Two: Focus groups with a sample of three potential audiences for Civil War programming
  • Part Three: Survey of history travelers
The study revealed potential interest in programs about Greater Philadelphia's Civil War history and the related struggle for freedom among a range of audiences.

CivilWarPhilly Resources

  • Collections Survey, 2003-2004
    View the field notes of this survey of materials in area collections, divided into six topical areas
  • Mapping Civil War Philadelphia
    A report on hundreds of Civil War sites and programs in Philadelphia, as well as a link to an interactive map and database of more than 400 past and present Civil War sites in Philadelphia. The database is searchable by theme. The map and database are a collaborative project of the Civil War History Consortium, the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries, and the Athenaeum of Philadelphia.
  • Google Search of CivilWarPhilly partner websites.
    Based on the charter members of the Civil War History Consortium.

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